It will be up to you to use the clues to figure out the company that is attached to this logo. Each logo featured will have the start of the logo or brand. The company featured may be in the automobile industry, the fast food industry, technology industry and much more! Whether it is guessing Starbucks or The Home Depot, each level will feature part of the logo. The logos used in the game come from a variety of companies. This will give you a few extra minutes to think about where you have seen that logo before. If you know one of them right away, you can solve it and leave the harder ones for later. Each level will show you a thumbnail of the logo that you will be guessing. The best part about this game is the fact that you are able to choose the order to go in. Each level contains thirty-four different brands and logos that you will need to solve before moving on. Logo Quiz is a trivia based game that will test your knowledge on a wide variety of brands and logos from companies all around the world.

If so, don’t worry because we have all of the Logo Quiz Game answers and cheats right here! With over 900 brands to solve, you may find yourself stumped on a few.
Industry logo quiz answer for free#
The game is available for free download on Android devices and iOS devices, including iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. This trivia game will put your brand and logo knowledge to the test. Logo Quiz is one of the most popular trivia games from developers, AticoD Entertainment.